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Anchor: Some people are confused, others are pretty concerned about a Portsmouth woman who may have contracted the human form of mad cow disease.

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Reporter: Doctors suspect that Aretha has a variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseor vCJD. It attacks the brain filling it with holes until it looks like a sponge.

PD¼öø ÀÚ¸·: ÀÇ»çµé¿¡ µû¸£¸é ¾Æ·¹»ç´Â vCJD¶ó´Â º¯Á¾ Å©·ÎÀÌÃ÷ÆçÆ® ¾ß°öº´¿¡ °É·È´Ù°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. À̺´Àº ³úÁúȯÀ¸·Î ³ú¿¡ ½ºÆÝÁöó·³ ±¸¸ÛÀÌ ¶Õ¸®´Â °ÍÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ°Ô ¹Ù·Î Àΰ£±¤¿ìº´ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

Anchor: Now, this disease has a long incubation period. So, if Aretha Franklin, if Aretha Vinson, excuse me, contracted it from a food that she ate, it is likely she ate it ten or even more years ago.

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WAVY News 10 (8 April 2008)

Some people are confused, others are pretty concerned about a Portsmouth woman who may have contracted the human form of mad cow disease.

Here 'On Your Side' health reporter Stephanie Harris joins with us now with more on how health officials are handling this. Stephanie?

Reporter Stephanie: I just got off the phone with the Portsmouth Health Director minutes ago. ¡¼´©¶ô¡½She says there is no reason to believe that anyone in the public is at risk or should change their behaviors in any way and that includes what you eat and drink because she says they do not have a definite diagnosis.

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This is Aretha Vinson's life in pictures. Unfortunately, her mother says there will be no more to add.

Robin Vinson (Mother): You know when says was born it was such a precious moment. It was the best gift a mother can ask for. And now my daughter is near death. In every moment that I have with her is a precious moment.

Anchor: Robin Vinson doesn¡¯t know how much more time they have.

Doctors SUSPECT that Aretha has a variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseor vCJD. It attacks the brain filling it with holes until it looks like a sponge.

➡ suspect¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¿À¿ªÀº ¸¹ÀÌ ¾Ë·ÁÁø ¸¸Å­ ½É°¢ÇÏ°íµµ Áß¿äÇÏ´Ù.

It is the human form of Mad Cow Disease, which according to the CDC, has killed 200 people worldwide since 1996. Most of the deaths have been in Europe. With 164 in the U.K., 21 in France and 4 in Ireland. There have been 3 deaths in the U.S. The CDC says 2 of them contracted it while living in the U.K., the other while living in Saudi Arabia. If Aretha Vinson has it, it¡¯s believed she would be the first contracted in the U.S. since her mother said she¡¯s never left the country.

Mother: If she contracted this through the food, Aretha wasn¡¯t the only one. Others now share Vinson¡¯s fear. The Health Department tried to ease those fears on Monday.

Dr. Demetria Lindsay: We do have a very stringent regulatory process as well as the fact that we do not have the number of cases that may have been seen in animals in this country that you may have seen in some other countries.

¡¼´©¶ô¡½Dr. Demetria Lindsay adds, "They cannot confirm Vinson has CJD, and if she does, there are other ways to get it, possibly through surgery which she had in January."

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But, that may be a long shot, and is certainly no consolation to her mother.

Mother: The pain is just excruciating. I felt like there has been a part of my life ripped from me.

Anchor: Now, this disease has a long incubation period. So, if Aretha Franklin, if Aretha Vinson, excuse me, contracted it from a food that she ate, it is likely she ate it ten or even more years ago.

¡¼´©¶ô¡½Doctors can only make a definite confirmation of CJD through an autopsy.
You can find out more information about this on our website, wavy.com.

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