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Public Statement For the Liberation of All North Koreans
  Written by Robert Park of 'Freedom and Life for All North Koreans' and Jo Sung Rae of 'Pax Koreana'  in Korean Just before Robert Park crossed  NorthKorea
  Translated into English by Lawyer Suh Suk Koo of 'American & Friendship National Council Korea Branch  

Today We stand here with worldwide conscience to take our responsibility we are facing for freedom and life for all North Koreans.
We appeal the leaders of America, Europe, China, Russia, Japan and the United Nations, and the people everywhere in the world as follows. 
We will not allow genocide in North Korea any longer. Over 3 million North Koreans have been starved to death since 1995 while about 250,000 North Koreans have been sacrificed resulting from slave labor, rape, torture, starvation and execution in the Political Concentration Camps.

The existence of Political Concentration Camps is apparent proof to call North Korea regime criminal group violating the human rights declaration of the United Nations.

We strongly urge worldwide leaders disregarding cruel crime of North  Korea stop genocide.

We announce our demands according to the human rights declaration of the United Nations and International Laws as follows

1) The Human Rights Declaration of the United Nations and International Law have been regulated to prevent cruel crimes just like atrocity of Nazi Germany never occurring again. Therefore we demand to end all the Political Concentration Camps immediately and to release all the Political Prisoners in North Korea

2) It is a shame that the world has kept silence about the notorious evil North Korea regime worse than Nazi Germany regime. We urge the worldwide democratic leaders feel responsibility disregarding extreme pain of oppressed North Koreans and take internationa; measures for compenation 
3) We dare to annoucnce the ending of Kim Jong Il dictator regime and North Korea leaders. Now is the time for worldwide leaders to arrest the worst criminals like dictators and let them be punished in the Judicial Court
4) In the name of cosmopolitan, let pro North Korea leftist powers in South Korea leftist powers in South Korea siding with North Korea dictatorship be arrested immediately and punished through the judgement in the Judicial Court
5) We urge worldwide leaders to provide the human rights and sacrifices of all the North Koreans according to the Universal Human Rights Declaration of the United Nations and International Laws, in Partnership with President Lee Myung Bak and worldwide leaders. It is the problem of conscience more than politics. 

Now is the time to take immediate action for the most isolated and persecuted in the world. There are protests dictatorship to seek their rights in North Korea 

To the worldwide conscience!
As your action enable to flourish Republic of Korea called the history of miracle,please let North Korea end dictatorship just like Nazi regime and make base for miracle. 
Don't disregard the  human rights of North Koreans any longer. Let us join the glorious march to end chains of persecuted North Koreans. We urge worldwide leaders, christians and the people everywhere in the world the message to liberate North Koreans from dictatorship Robert Park gave us to be our mission and our answer to his asking. 
Please would you join us the worldwide event COUNTDOWN TO FREEDOM for the liberation of North Koreans. Here in Korea COUNTDOWN TO FREEDOM event will be held in front of MBC in Seoul from 2pm to 6 pm. 
We expect you show us your true love to North Koreans and share pains of Robert Park and North Koreans in North Korea at present. 
We are sure God gives freedom to North Koreans and Robert Park if our prayer and our love are with all our hearts. 
That's why we invite you. 
God bless North Koreans, Robert Park and all the human rights activists joining the event of COUNTDOWN TO FREEDOM!
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