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God or Money - Not Both     The bankers have been able to get the majority of people to believe a range of false propaganda because their agents have gained control of the press and broadcasting media. That intention had also been spelt out
in 1864:
"No one shall with impunity lay a finger on the aureole of the infallibility of our government. The pretext forstopping any publication will be the alleged plea that it is agitating the public mind without occasion or justification. I beg you to note that among those making attacks upon us will also be organs established by us, but they will attack exclusively points that we have pro-determined to alter", [e.g.: At the 1992 Edinburgh 'Summit' there was a "victory" for those seeking to repeal some of the non-essential EC directives.]

    It is interesting that the 'Bible' of the usurers and bankers should be described as the 'Babylonian' Talmud. When one makes due allowance for the imagery of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) one finds that
money-power is named "Babylon the Great" — the great prostitute. She is enthroned beside abundant waters (17,1), those waters being "all the peoples, the populations, the nations and the languages" (17,15), "with
authority over all the rulers on earth (17,18). "Prostitution" here would seem to mean treating money foolishly or illicitly, and at present all the nations of the world are in debt to the international bankers — debts that they cannot possibly repay — while with the growth of credit many individuals are in debt. Again, merchants "have grown rich through her debauchery" (18, 3), and traders "made a fortune out of her" (18, 15).     "Prostitution" is also used in its more literal sense. Babylon the Great is "the mother of all prostitutes and all the filthy practices on earth" (17,5), while she has become "the haunt of devils, and a lodging for every foul spirit and dirty, loathsome bird" (18,2). Increasingly during the last century and a half, and particularly during the last few decades, every sort of perversion has been described and encouraged by the press and other media and in the proliferating "video nasties". The cost of organising all this is considerable. Promotion of perversion and moral filth, as with race-mixing, would seem to be calculated to reduce the physical and moral quality of the nations to a level where effective opposition to a take-over would become almost impossible.     Any decent person would surely agree that the spread of evil induced by the implementation of the plans described in the Protocols should be exposed and opposed. Such opposition is at present being condemned as "anti-semitic" by the non-semitic promoters of that evil. It is really opposition to theplans of the international bankers, and it would be more correct to describe it as "anti-bankerism". There is nothing in the Public Order Acts, or any other Acts, which says that valid criticism of the bankers and their associates, or for that matter people following any other trade or profession, is unlawful.     The intention of those Acts, instigated by Zionists, follows the 1864 declaration: "The pretext for stopping any publication will be the alleged plea that it is agitating the public mind without occasion or justification". But there is every justification for warning people of the evils that have been planned and that are being carried out. This has been a Christian nation for almost two thousand years, and we were warned that we could serve either God or money, but not both (Matthew 6,24). Yet at present our leaders are busy serving "money". The fact that they are
attempting to prevent people finding out the real implications of the Treaty on European Union is in itself an indication that their activities are treasonable (under the Treason and Treason-Felony Acts). It is even being referred to as the Maastricht Treaty to help hide its objectives.     The conclusion is inescapable. For almost two millenia Britain has had a Christian civilization. In the 20th Century alone our people have taken part in two major wars to defend this. The attacks that we have had to repel have been primarily a blockade to prevent imports of essential foods and raw materials, destruction of our industry, a threatened invasion — and attacks on morale;     The international bankers — Mammon — have mounted similar attacks, directly and through their agents, but using non-military weapons. Thus, implementation of European Community legislation is resulting in external control of our food supplies, that could easily be cut off, while steadily destroying our agriculture. At the same time the Merchant Navy and Royal Navy have been cut down to far below a viable strength.     After Mr. Edward Heath (advised by Victor Rothschild) and M. Pompidou (a former employee of Guy de Rothschild) met in Paris in October 1972 to discuss the terms of Britain's entry into the European Community, Mr. John Davies, who had been present as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, reported that these terms included the run-down of our science, technology and industry (now almost completed), and the eradication of the Monarchy (which is under increasing media and parliamentary attack). In return, London would become the
financial centre of Europe. (The recent IRA attacks would seem to cast doubt on that. Other contenders are Frankfurt, the original home of the Rothschilds, and Paris, their present headquarters).     The threatened invasion and attacks on morale are also practically completed. Without consulting the British people an estimated 15 million people with few or no ties of loyalty to this country have been brought here. (The populations of other "white" countries are being similarly diluted.) Forcing on us a multicultural society is helping to carry out the command to "destroy all things traditional". Among these newcomers and their offspring are many who could, if other methods are unsuccessful, form the "cannon-fodder" for the meticulously planned
"revolution". One intelligence officer described this to me as "the most completely documented revolution in history, and we aren't allowed to do a thing about it". Quite the reverse — the police are under attack,
while not only have the armed forces been run down, but control of those that remain has been handed over to the "United Nations", for use in the wars that they are instigating in the process of setting up the One
World dictatorship.     A pressure group allied to the Bilderberg Group is the Trilateral Commission. This was the group that arranged for the collapse of the Soviet Union. At their meeting this spring (1993) they have
decided that there should be a United Nations World Army, with NATO taken over and all national forces disbanded. In place of the present "peace-keeping" role of the UN it would be empowered to
intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations. The most important policy that they wish to enforce is race-mixing, with a planned "migration regime". Such a policy is already embodied in the Treaty on European Union. If successful it would make effective opposition to the planned dictatorship seem impossible.     All these factors help to reduce morale, particularly as they are being accompanied by repressive legislation designed to suppress dissemination of knowlege of the plans and legitimate criticism. It does not help
that many of the bankers' agents are in Parliament, the Privy Council, the Civil Service, and also the Churches — all these being the enemy within — while the news media is under tight control designed to prevent essential information, such as that in the previous paragraph, being revealed.     It has been mentioned that Zionist pressure groups seek to "investigate", and then to smear or in other ways attack, not only people who show that the 'Holocaust'was bogus, but also all those who are patriotic or who oppose any of the schemes of the bankers. They are in a strong position, as evidenced by the fact that the Board of Deputies of British Jews (now taken over by Zionist agents) and their agents are for all prac-
tical purposes immune from prosecution. These have been responsible for setting up Anti-Fascist Action and the Anti-Racist Alliance in this country.     A member of the ARA is about to lay before Parliament a Bill purporting to outlaw racial and religious "harassment", that could well bring the police to a stand-still if it became mandatory for them to investigate all the malicious complaints made possible by the Bill. Already laws based on lies and falsehood have to be enforced more rigorously than laws based on Christian morality, and when they are mutually exclusive the former take precedence. An equivalent organisation in the United States is the Anti-Defamation League, which has now been exposed as having as one of its main functions acting as a major spy ring, channelling information to Mossad — the bankers' intelligence organisation.     Dishonesty, corruption and sheer evil abound, so that it is no wonder that for a successful Federal Europe and One World dictatorship those responsible should have realised that the eradication of'Christianity, with its insistence on Truth, is necessary. But perhaps the most important component of the attack on morale — apart from the use of hypnotic techniques by TV — has been to inculcate a defeatist attitude, so that people make no attempt to halt these evil plans. But they were made in the first place by only a very small number of individuals, and are dependent on large-scale financial support for their implementation. If any major nation could turn out the traitors within and then act decisively, the whole edifice would collapse like a pack of cards.     In Chapter 18 of the Apocalypse we are reminded that Babylon, the money-power, will be overcome and destroyed. She is not invincible.
Sooner or later God will triumph, with Mammon routed, and a Christian way of life restored. We can help to make it "sooner".
"And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church and the
gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
(Matthew,16, 18)
We thank Christopher Booker for granting us permission to reprint the following two items which first appeared in his column in the Sunday Telegraph on 4th February, 1993.
More than enough to make a cat weep     IN 1982 Miss Freda Williams unexpectedly found herself having to return home to England from a horse ranch she was running in Oregon, with 17 pedegree Manx cats. When she discussed quarantine arrange-
ments with the Ministry of Agriculture [MAFF] they suggested it would be a great asset to them if she were to build a quarantine cattery other own, in the New Forest.     Under ministry supervision she therefore built a superb cattery, meeting every official requirement. Regular inspections over 10 years have given not the slightest problem, and she has had hundreds of
delighted customers.     Last October, however, her usual inspector arrived with another ministry vet, MrB. Gidman, who returned in December. On February 16 Miss Williams received a terrifying letter from a Mr N.E. Widden at MAFF headquarters, informing her that no further licences would be issued for her establishment.     The letter listed 17 "deficiencies" in her premises. These included several items, such as a signboard at the entrance, which had been in place ever since the cattery was built. Another claimed that gravel in a cat
run had not been "6 inches deep" as the regulations required. Measurement had shown it to be between five and a half and seven inches. Her use of bleach as a disinfectant was ruled as not "suitable", although she
had been specifically advised by MAFF to use this in 1992.     It is hard to convey the triviality or irrelevance of every one of the 17 items. Yet her cattery was being closed down without notice, with customers booked in from all over the world for months ahead. Even harder to credit is the trouble MAFF then took to contact all these customers, who had paid thousands of pounds in deposits, to say her cattery was "under investigation" and they must find alternative arrangements. This caused chaos. A couple from Chicago had already sold their house. One cat was due from a Saudi oil rig. Another was due to make a five-day journey from Outer Mongolia, including two days on a yak.     Miss Williams found herself in a nightmare. Amid a maze of conflicting advice from a stream of officials, she rushed around trying to remedy the "deficiencies". Told she must have a supply of "hot water", two MAFF vets told her a kettle would be sufficient, a third said it must be a "proper water heater". She bought a washing machine, as instructed, and was then told this wasn't "required" at all.     Finally last week, just when baffled customers like Mr and Mrs Smits of Chicago, were demanding their deposit money back, Miss Williams was told she would hear by Friday whether she was now considered to meet official requirements. On Friday, when she still hadn't been notified, I rang Mr Widden — who said he hoped that the "necessary procedure" would be completed early next week. I then myself rang Mr
and Mrs Smits in Chicago, saying if only they could hold on it looked as if this astonishing piece of bureaucratic buffoonery would soon be resolved.     In recent months I have decribed many instances of how Mr Gummer's officials are these days running amok in all directions. But when their insatiable urge to exercise power over their victims stretches even to the remotest steppes of Outer Mongolia, is it not time someone else was put in with a brief to call them to heel?     ON Thursday morning I actually had to ring The Daily Telegraph's foreign editor to confirm that Boris Johnson's report on the European Commission's latest move to "make Brussels more popular'was not an
April Fool.     This proposes that M Delors should make a series of television broadcasts "to appeal to European women"; that the deadline for complete "European Union" should be brought forward to 1999; and that broadcasters should be paid out of European funds to introduce a "European dimension" into "fiction, games and shows". M De Clercq, the Belgian chairman of the committee which came forward with the proposals, also said that governments should stop trying to explain the Maastricht Treaty to voters, because it was "too removed from daily life for people to understand".     It was apposite that this should have appeared over another report from Mr Johnson on Signor Quatraro, the Italian senior Commission official who recently jumped out of a window when his part in a gigantic fraud relating to EEC tobacco subsidies came to light. It is now an accepted fact that no less than £6 billion of the Common Agricultural Policy's £28 billion budget last year disappeared in various frauds.     Last summer I was troubled when one of my columns was given the headline "Will the Mafia take over the EEC?" In the light of what I had written, I thought this was going a bit far. But it turns out not only that much of the frauds on such things as tobacco and olive oil have been going to the Mafia, but that links between the Mafia and Commission officials are extensive.     Are any words strong enough to convey the howling inanity of this situation? Where we belong to an institution which cheerfully admits that nearly a quarter of its astronomical budget goes in fraud; which is riddled with corruption; which defies common sense in every direction; which is taking away one liberty after another; which has bewitched our politicians into gibbering impotence; and which is proposing to bribe broadcasters to introduce propaganda for itself into such entertainments as soap operas and panel games?     Until a year ago, like many people, I took a fairly humourous view of "Europe", as something we had to accept and which there was nothing much we could do about.     But having spent the past few months examining its workings in considerable detail, I confess I now see it not just as a huge, crazy disaster, but as something that is truly evil. And I don't think anything has shocked me more than to discover just how astonishingly little most of those in favour of it, from Mr Major, Mr Hurd and Mr Garel-Jones downwards, actually know about this monster which has them all so under its spell. This is why almost everything they say about it turns out, on investigation, to be the reverse of the truth. It is indeed a very strange situation we are in. THIS EUROPE     THE 2,500-strong British garrison on the Falklands eats a lot of meat. But our servicemen are not allowed to eat the local product because Brussels has ruled that the slaughterhouse in Port Stanley is not "up to EEC
hygiene standard". So, at great expense, beef is imported from Uruguay via London and large quantities of lamb have to be brought all the way from New Zealand — while 60,000 Falklands sheep every year are bulldozed over cliffs because there is no demand for them. I am officially informed that the only recorded cases of food poisoning in the islands have been "in the garrison". At least, however, a happy ending is now on its way. Last week an official came out 8,000 miles from Brussels to say that EEC funds are to be made available to bring the slaughterhouse "up to standard". What our own abattoir-owners will make of this, as they are driven out of business by lack of cash to pay for the absurd version of "EEC standards" being imposed on them by Mr Cummer, is another story.
Financial Recipe for World Domination     (a)  "In order that freedom may once and for all disintegrate, and ruin the nations, we must put industry on a speculative basis. The result of this will be that" the profits "will slip through the hands of the speculators, and into the hands of" the international bankers.
    "The absence of speculative industry would multiply capital in private hands, and would restore agriculture by freeing the land from debt. What we want is that . . . speculation transfer into our hands all the assets of the world".     (b)  We shall establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches" and then "Economic crises can be produced by us by no means other than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals stagnate, having been withdrawn from nations, which are then obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burden the finances of the State with the payment of interest, and make them the bond slaves of the capitalists" — the international bankers — "The concentration of industry in the hands of the capitalists out of the hands of small masters draws away all the assets of the peoples and with them also of States".     (c)  "Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of understanding of the rights of the State. Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who come begging for further loans to us bankers. Foreign loans are like leeches which there is no possibility of removing from the body of the State unless ...the State flings them off. But political rulers do not tear them off, they go on in persisting in putting more onto themselves", with yet more loans needed to pay off increasing interest, "so that the State must inevitably perish, killed by voluntary blood-letting". "What indeed is a loan, especially a foreign loan? It is an issue of bills
of exchange/ containing a percentage obligation commensurate to the
sum of the loan capital. If the loan bears a charge of 5 percent, then in 20
years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan borr-
owed, in 40 yearsit'is paying double the sum, in 60 treble, and all the
while the debt remains an unpaid debt".     (d)  "We shall replace money markets by grandiose credit institutions, the object of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with out views. These institutions will be in a position to fling upon the market hundreds of millions of industrial paper in one day, or to buy up the same amount. In this way all industrial undertakings will come into dependence upon us. You may imagine for yourselves the immense power we shall thereby secure for ourselves".
Terrorist Training Camp at Mocamedes, Angola     This terrorist training camp, near the border of South West Africa, was primarily for training of SWAPO terrorists by Cubans.
    There was a special section for the training of the "elite" members of a number of European organisations in the terrorist network. The Baader-Meinhof, SWP and SRP were positively identified as having sent members.
    As well as physical training, karate, unarmed combat, weapons training, etc., there was a course on planning. Five or six of the instructors were British. Instructions applicable to operations in the United Kingdom included:
  • Concentrate on urban warfare.
  • Strike at vulnerable soft targets — schools, shops, crowded places.
  • Women and children are prime targets.
  • There are to be kidnappings on a large scale to create unease.
  • Operators to be well dressed, and never look like suspects.
  • More women to be used.
  • Older men to be used for arson and kidnapping activities. Over 45s preferable. They will be less suspect.
  • Grenades and land mines to be used.
  • Automatic weapons to be used on selected human targets — create terror by "sinister" operations — accurate shooting of victims required.
  • Choose areas where after strike there would be traffic congestion.
  • Hit at areas where police and army strength is weak. At the camp there were very detailed maps, giving vulnerable places. They showed, in detail, police stations and sub-stations, the numbers there, with the number of each rank, etc. The distribution of army and armed forces camps, installations and weapons storage were shown. Details also included the numbers and state of readiness of civil defence personnel.
  • Installations to be attacked professionally. They had plans and the methods of attack were practiced. But it was to be made to look like amateurs. This was to make it harder to detect, and to delay the conclusion that there is a real organised force behind the operations.
  • Claims for any terrorist activity must be blamed on nondescript organisations (or the IRA).
  • Always, always, give misleading statements to Press, through third parties or letters.

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7321 [ºÎÆРô°á]MAMMON VERSUS GOD <2> ÀÌÀºÈÖ 12-30 417 0
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7317 [ºÎÆРô°á]MAMMON VERSUS GOD <6> ÀÌÀºÈÖ 12-30 1818 0
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