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Negotiator: End of N. Korea's nuclear program still on track
By Barry Schweid, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON — Dismissing North Korea's demand for civilian nuclear reactors as no surprise, chief U.S. negotiator Christopher Hill said Tuesday that country's agreement to end its nuclear weapons program remains on track.

"We are going to get this done," Hill told The Associated Press in an interview, underscoring that North Korea must agree to international restraints before its demand could be seriously considered.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan, meanwhile, said if North Korea needs some time to reflect on the agreement reached this week "we'll give it to them."

But, he told reporters traveling with President Bush to Mississippi to survey Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, that the agreement spelled out the steps that need to be taken. "Once they take those steps, then we would be prepared to talk further at that time," the White House official said.

Bush spoke by telephone to South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and they agreed verification of North Korea's pledge to abandon its weapons program was critical, McClellan said.

However, Roh's office in Seoul took note of the prospect of "various difficulties" in resolving the nuclear issue and said the South Korean president told Bush he appreciated U.S. "flexibility" during the negotiations in Beijing.

North Korea said Tuesday it would not dismantle its nuclear weapons program until the United States first provides an atomic energy reactor, a statement that cast doubt on its commitment to a breakthrough agreement reached at international arms talks on Monday. The North wants a light-water reactor, a type less easily diverted for weapons use.

"Life is too short to overreact to every statement coming out of Pyongyang," said Hill, who has returned to Washington following the talks. "It obviously was not a helpful statement. But it was not unexpected, either."

Still, Hill said North Korea's demand would be discussed at the next round of talks in early November. The focus will be on implementing the tentative agreement reached in Beijing, he said.

While the United States is prepared to discuss North Korea's insistence on being supplied with light-water reactors, Hill ruled out any such arrangement until North Korea rejoins an international treaty designed to limit the spread of technology and agrees to international supervision.

Under the tentative agreement, South Korea would provide North Korea with the energy it says it needs, Hill said.

"They know what they signed on to," Hill said. "We are not surprised by these sorts of statements. There probably will be more of them."

Asked if he was confident the breakthrough agreement would be concluded, Hill replied: "I wouldn't have supported it if I did not think it would get done."

And, he noted, the agreement is not with the United States alone, but with North Korea's neighbors. "That means something in Asia," he said.

China has taken the lead in the six-party talks, which have had an up-and-down history since they began more than two years ago. The other countries are South Korea, Japan and Russia.

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