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Stem Cell Patent Battle
Brewing Over Korean Research
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IP Law360 (Tuesday, February 14, 2006)

An international battle over valuable patents for stem cell research is brewing between one-time collaborators in South Korea and the United States who have filed competing patent applications despite the public collapse of the research`s reliability.

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Korean researcher Hwang Woo-Suk has threatened to sue U.S. reproductive biologist Dr. Gerald P. Schatten of the University of Pennsylvania after the American made moves to secure intellectual property rights to technology for creating embryonic stem cells.

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Hwang and his fellow researchers at Seoul National University claimed to have been the first to clone human embryos capable of yielding viable stem cells and gained world-wide attention for their efforts. Schatten provided an advisory role and co-authored a June 2005 paper on the stem cell technique, which was published in the journal Science.

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However, the embryonic stem cell technology, considered revolutionary when it was announced, was publicly discredited as fabrication in late 2005 and the article was later retracted.

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Schatten filed one application for the technique with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in April 2004 and another with the World Patent Organization. Hwang filed a patent application on the technique with the WPO eight months later.

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In January, the British journal New Scientist reported that Hwang would be granted patents for the technique in the United Kingdom since his discredited stem cell technologies were still novel, inventive and sufficiently described.

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If granted, Hwang's December 2003 patent application would apply in over 120 countries and cover the broad concept of an embryonic stem cell line derived from a cloned human embryo. Hwang has at least seven patent applications related to cloning or stem cells pending with WPO.

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The issue promises to highlight the differences between the practice of granting patent priority to the first to invent a technology versus granting priority to the first to file a patent application.

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The United States is the only country in the world that uses the first to invent system, in which case Schatten may have an easier time winning foreign patents, while Hwang may try to prove first to invent status for U.S. rights.

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An investigation of Hwang's research by Seoul National University led to his dismissal earlier this week. Schatten was also cited for scientific misbehavior by the University of Pennsylvania for failing to act on signs that Hwang s research may have been fabricated. Schatten heads the university's Pittsburgh Development Center at Magee-Women s Research Institute in California.

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Despite the controversy, Hwang's attorneys are moving quickly to secure the intellectual property rights to the procedure by lobbying the Korean university to return rights to future patents to Hwang. Hwang signed the rights over to the university, but the school has tried to modify its patent applications after the cloning scandal unfolded.

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Regardless of which scientist ultimately has rights to the patents, experts disagree over how exactly the questionable nature of the research will affect the patent applications.

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"The fact that the work was discredited doesn't affect the patent applications that much. Patents can be prophetic. If a patent tells you what to do and how to do it, it isn't a problem if the work isn't actually done," said Ronald I. Eisenstein, partner at Nixon Peabody LLP in Boston, Mass.

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Another attorney at the firm, David S. Resnick, disagrees. "The USPTO is going to use the fact that all this research from Korea was phony to give more strict scrutiny to stem cell patents in the future. They will begin to question all the results, even though there's no requirement to actually do the work", Resnick said.

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Schatten has five patent applications for his research pending at the USPTO. He was awarded two patents, along with his two colleagues, for methods for analyzing sperm quality they developed while working at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Co-inventors on the patents are Calvin Simerly and Christopher Navara.

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Schatten's patent application for cloning primates by using embryo splitting was filed in January 2003 and assigned to Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Ore. Another application from December 2000 covers a method for producing transgenic animals.

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Patent protection of stem cell techniques has been growing slowly but steadily since the Scotland-d Roslin Institute won its U.K. patents in February 2000 covering nuclear transfer technology, which was used to clone the sheep Dolly in 1996, the first animal to be cloned. Roslin sold an exclusive license for the technology to California-d Geron Corp for $45M.

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Other patents considered vital to the stem cell industry are held by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, the National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine and Vanderbilt University.

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One major roadblock to stem cell research in the United States is President George W. Bush's August 2001 declaration that federal funds would only support limited embryonic stem cell research that uses existing embryonic stem cell lines.

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"People have said that Bush`s ban hasn`t had an affect on patents. But patents aren't filed until research reaches a certain point. So the ban will trickle down to patent applications", Eisenstein said.

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--By Erik Larson, [email protected] 191274
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   13091  13092  13093  13094  13095  13096  13097  13098  13099  13100    
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