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¿©·Ð 1¹øÁö ¿Ü±¹ÀÎÀ» À§ÇÑ ¼º¸í¼­ - Slaughting Dogs ºÎÃß¿¬
More Dogs Will be Slaughtered if the New Law is Passed

People in most of countries never eat dog but the Korean and Chinese love to eat dog meat. However the eating of dogs in Korea has largely gone unnoticed because Korea has not long been known to the outside world. But with Korea's rapid economic development and the export of Korean made goods Korea has automatically become known as a dog eating country.

Koreans were faced with a dilemma when the world boycotted the Seoul Olympic Games in 1988 because Koreans eat dogs. The Korean government was shocked and rushed to pass a law banning the killing of dogs. Anyone found to have slaughtered still face one year in prison.. The Olympic games were successfully held, but the law was but never enforced. The law was just a show window for the olympic games.

The slaughter of these intelligent animals has continued to be profitable for dog farmers. Conditions in dog farms are appalling, dogs are kept in crowded cages and are viciously being slaughtered for better taste.

In the mean time Korea has become famous for exporting many things such as ships, cell phones, computers and cars, etc. Korea is exporting as much as ten trillion US dollars to over 270 countries. Surprised? Many Korean made products are world best sellers.

Four million foreigners visit Korea every year. But almost no one would realize there are five thousand dog restaurants throughout the country because they are camouflaged as 'healthy restaurant.' What a shame! Smart foreigners have spotted the horrendous dog farms and dog butcher shops. Many countries such as France, the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Australia and Germany, have protested against Korean made products because they are made by dog eating people. Recently ITV London broadcasted terrible scenes of dog butcher shops in Moran dog market in Sungnam City. A few days later Channel 4 London broadcasted scenes of Korean people eating dogs. Following these broadcasts hundreds of members of the International Fund for Animal Welfare gathered in front of the Korean Embassy in London and shouted "Don't buy Korean products." Korean companies in London and hundreds of angry phone calls from British people.

The majority of Korean people do not eat dog meat, and in spite of the fact that Koreans are a kind cultured, and educated people, the practice of killing and eating dogs will increase with the passing of the new law.

Seoul Metropolitan Government is secretly working on enacting a law legalizing dog meat. If it is passed in May this year Korea will be widely recognised as a dog eating country. What a shame! There will be world wide protests "Don't buy Korean products made by dog eating people."

Samsung and LG export dozens of millions of cell phones, 45% of ocean ships are made in Korea, Hyundai and Kia Motor companies export four million cars a year. Can you imagine what will happen when the world knows that this incredible law will be passed in May? The tumbling Korean economy will fall down and may not ever recover.

Seoul Metropolitan Government does not even realize what will happen when the law is passed. It will cause world wide outrage and condemnation. Not many Koreans realize how crucial it is to stop the law legalizing dog eating. The government's insensitivity to Korea's fragile place as an export nation and the feelings of the countries it depends upon may put into jeopardy the country's itinerant transition to first-world status.

This letter will be delivered to Hyundai Automobile Company, Samsung Electronic Company, Hyunda Shipbuilding Company, LG Electronic Company, Foreign embassies in Seoul, CNN in Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government, President Lee, Myung Bak, and the 220 Korean Law Makers of the Korean National Assembly.

This is written by Yong Yoon
The writer was a professor of Communication at Korea University.
He is presently Director of Korean Solidarity for Anti-Corruption

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3707 ¿Ü±¹ÀÎÀ» À§ÇÑ ¼º¸í¼­ - Slaughting Dogs (2) À±¿ë 04-22 1116 38
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