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M. Jimmy and Maria Lee (of India) visited Gaeseong city in North Korea on Oct 24, 2008 as part of the 4th annual conference of the National Unification Advisory Council.
His testimony of his visit is as follows:
Firstly, I could see extreme poverty in Gaeseong.
I was shocked to see the extremely poor situation in Gaeseong, even though it was a famous city.

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The mountains had nearly no trees and the fields were empty. The houses were very much old-fashioned and there were nearly no cars on the streets, except for some government cars. Many people were riding on cycles. There were only a few shops on the streets, but the gates were closed. They do not buy or sell because the government system is based on a common distribution system, so they do not know what the tax is.

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When I compared their situation with that of South Korea, my heart was in pain and sorrowful. I could have deep pity for the people in North Korea. I prayed that unification would come as soon as possible so that North Koreans could also share many good things.

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Secondly, idol worshiping of Mr. Kim.
I could see so many portraits of Mr. Kim here and there. There were lots of slogans praising Mr. Kim on the gates of schools or on the tops of big buildings. For example: "The Sun of 21 Century, General Jong Il Kim, Offer our hearts to Mother our country!" "Our leader Mr. Il Sung Kim is with us forever!" "Historical hero, our leader Mr. Jong Il Kim!"


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Children are educated to see Mr. Kim almost as a god, so they always thank Mr. Kim for their living itself. Therefore, there cannot be any demonstration or strike against Mr. Kim or the government. Once again I had a pity on them and also felt that it might take quite a long time for the unification of the North and South.

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Thirdly, campus status.

According to them, there are 4 campuses in Gaeseong: Korea Seong Kyun Kwan University, Seong Do Educational College, Seong Do Medical College, and Seong Do Sports College. However, the number of students in total is only 2,000 for each. Through this, I could learn about the poor educational organization of North Korea. I eagerly hoped to visit the campus and pray for it, but I could only pass by the main gate of Korea Seong Kyun Kwan University by bus because they did not offer the chance to visit the inside of the campus. I prayed that God may open the way to preach the gospel to North Korean campus students in the near future.

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Fourthly, Gaeseong Industrial Complex visit.

As a gesture for peaceful unification, the South Korean government built Gaeseong Industrial Complex in Gaeseong in the year 2003. At present, 83 South Korean companies have built factories in Gaeseong Industrial Complex and produce necessary goods for living that amount to USD 162 million. At present, 33,037 North Korean workers are working in the South Korean factories. At present, this industrial complex is still small, but in the future, it will be developed to support 2,000 South Korean companies to produce up to USD 20,000 million, and also for 350,000 North Korean workers and 30,000 South Korean workers to work together.
I believe that through these kinds of factories, North Korean workers may understand and learn South Korean technologies and systems more closely and it may help in unification in the future.

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Through this one-day visit to Gaeseong, I could realize the present status of North Korea and pray with a new feeling and an earnest desire for North Korea.
I thank God for giving me this good opportunity to visit Gaeseong, North Korea and pray. Thank you for your prayer.

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1962 µýµû¶óµé µýµû¶ó 02-12 412 0
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1960 [ÁÂÆÄ ¹Ú¸ê]´ëÅë·ÉÀÇ ´«¹° ´«¹° 02-10 412 0
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1958 [ÁÂÆÄ ¹Ú¸ê]¿¬¿¹ÀÎ ¶Ç ÀÚ»ì ²Ù¸®²Ù¸® 03-08 412 0
1957 [ÁÂÆÄ ¹Ú¸ê]°øÂ¥¶ó´Â ¾çÀí¹°µµ ¸Ô´Â ±¹¹Î¼º ÇÑÄ¡¿í 08-08 412 1
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1953    °É·¹°°Àº³ð °ÉÇؼöÂ÷ij¡¦ 03-22 412 0
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