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New York Times
South Korea Foils Airlift of Radios to North
CHOLWON, South Korea, Aug. 22

All in all, it was a perfect day for breaking North Korea's information monopoly, and Dr. Norbert Vollertsen and his band of volunteers were determined to take advantage of it. A brisk wind from the south was driving clouds and, Dr. Vollertsen hoped, large balloons carrying transistor radios north over the barbed wire of the demilitarized zone into North Korea, a country closed off from the rest of the world.
But before the specially designed cargo balloons could be inflated with helium, South Korean police officers clambered aboard the truck and subdued Dr. Vollertsen, who is German, so roughly that he needed medical treatment.
"The law requires that organizers of rallies or demonstrations notify the local police 48 hours in advance," said Kim Bu Wook, Kangwon Province's police chief.. This was before a two-hour standoff degenerated into a shoving match between riot policemen and members of a growing international movement to break the half-century information monopoly that North Korea's Communist government has maintained over its 22 million people.

Until 2000, South Korea's military sent thousands of balloons north from border towns like this one, usually in the summer when the prevailing winds were favorable. But under the so-called sunshine policy of reconciliation, South Korea has tried to avoid irritating North Korea.

By blocking the private efforts to distribute radios, however, South Korea has placed itself on a collision course with Washington. Over the summer, both chambers of the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly to expand the daily Korean-language broadcasting of Radio Free Asia to 24 hours from 4 hours.

By law North Koreans are allowed to have only radios and televisions that are locked onto the state frequencies. Residents with illegal tuneable sets can listen to Korean-language government broadcasts from China, Russia and South Korea, a Christian group in South Korea, and two stations financed by the United States government, Radio Free Asia and Voice of America.

But few North Koreans have access to normal radios and televisions, and North Korean defectors say that information controls in North Korea are far tighter than they were in Eastern Europe under the Communists.

South Korean officials said earlier this week that they would allow the balloon launchings to go ahead. But the government apparently reversed that decision to avoid provoking North Korea in anticipation of six-country negotiations over North Korea's nuclear program, scheduled to start in Beijing on Wednesday.

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