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Dr. H

Dear Ä£ÀÏÆÄû»êNeem:

I carefully read your message and your detailed response to someone's question to your message.

Your message, as far as I want to understand, asks us to accept Chosun's incapabilities and responsibility for Japan's invasion. I agree to your statement on Chosun in your excellent message, since I am a strong believer that the worst enemy to us is always within ourselves and we should blame ourselves first, find our deficiencies, correct them, and make sure they won't happen again. I want to accep your message as the momentum for self-examination, introspection, and reflection.

Yes, indeed you may say what you want to say in your message. But your message, which is vulnerable to criticism, was listed in the opening page by Dr. Jee. Many people might misunderstand he wrote this message or at least he fully agrees with you.
This can bring a disastrous result to all the right-wingers in Korea. Take a look at what you say,

À̵î¹Ú¹® (º»ÀÎÀÌ ±Ù´ë ÃÊ¿¡ ¼¼°è¿¡¼­ °¡Àå À§ÀÎÀ̶ó°í ÀÎÁ¤ÇÏ´Â »ç¶÷)
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What is your definition of À§ÀÎand ¿µ¿õ? Yes, he can be a hero (¿µ¿õ) to Japan but can't be one of the greatest men (À§ÀÎ) to this world. Do you need any explanation to my assertion? No invader to other countries should be one of the greatest men in the world history. General Washington is a hero as well as a great man? Can you see the difference between À̵î¹Ú¹® and Washington? Then you may see the difference between À̵î¹Ú¹® and ±èÁÂÁøÀ屺.

Oswald is an assassinator. Can you see the difference between Oswald and ¾ÈÁß±Ù, À±ºÀ±æ, or other patriotic men who tried to kill the invaders?

Dear Ä£ÀÏÆÄû»êNeem. Please ask Dr. Jee to drop your message from the opening page. I am really afraid that Dr. Jee would become vulnerable to many criticism from all of us due to your message. It is not appropriate for Dr. Jee to be verbally attacked from the right wingers due to the message not written by him. Your message can't help him in fighting against the current regime and the evil groups of Kim Jeong IL.

Please accept my request and a very happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all of System Club members.

Dr. H

1. I think you need to read Dr. Kim Donggil's messages regularly. Visit his home page and read this old patriotic man's messaged filled with his sincere spirit and soul.
2. I also want to tell my point:

You missed a very important point. Their ( ¾ÈÁß±Ù, À±ºÀ±æ, ±èÁÂÁø, È«¹üµµ, etc. ) such activities provided some momentum for Koreans to feel their pride as Korean and leaded to one of many reasons that Korea was liberated from Japan after Japan was defeated. Let me ask you this question. Who would have believed that America could defeat and liberate from the greatest nation, England, at that time? All patriotic activities brought the same oppression from Engand, but Americans got united and finally defeated England in spite of so many weaknesses.

2. I am attaching one response from my friend in Korea after he read your message.

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