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Seoul protests boycott of KAL by Japan gov¡¯t
Tokyo takes measure after test flight of A380 over disputed Dokdo Islets

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July 15, 2011
Korean Air¡¯s Airbus A380 flies over Dokdo Islets on June 16, during a test flight of the aircraft. Seoul protested Tokyo¡¯s directive to its diplomats yesterday to boycott the services of Korean Air because of the flight. [YONHAP]
Seoul yesterday protested Tokyo¡¯s directive to its diplomats to boycott Korean Air flights, after the airline tested its new Airbus A380 last month in a flight over Dokdo, with signs of reigniting the territorial dispute over Korea¡¯s easternmost islets.

¡°The Japanese measure, regarded as a sort of sanction against a private company, can hardly be understood,¡± Cho Byung-jae, spokesman of Korea¡¯s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said at a media briefing yesterday.

¡°In this context, we delivered our strong regret and disappointment and called for Japan to immediately withdraw the measure,¡± he said.

Earlier in the day, Japan¡¯s Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported that the Japanese foreign ministry delivered an e-mail to its officials requesting they refrain from using Korea¡¯s largest airline for one month beginning July 18.

On June 17, Korean Air launched an Incheon-Tokyo route with the double-decker A380, the world¡¯s largest plane, and a day earlier conducted a two-hour test flight of the A380 carrying journalists and company officials from Incheon over Dokdo and back.

That drew the ire of the Japanese government, and the Japanese Embassy in Seoul visited the Korean airline¡¯s headquarters in Seoul on Monday.

Japan¡¯s foreign minister, Takeaki Matsumoto, called a press conference on June 24 and said the flight was ¡°very regrettable.¡±

The Asahi Shimbun, however, said the move to boycott the airline was deemed insufficient among members of Japan¡¯s conservative opposition Liberal Democratic Party, which pressured the ministry to take action.

The Asahi Shimbun said Matsumoto ordered the boycott after determining it did not breach the World Trade Organization¡¯s government procurement agreement, but Seoul officials are studying whether that is true, leaving the possibility that the issue could be brought to the WTO court.

Japanese diplomats usually use Japanese airlines when they fly, so the measure isn¡¯t expected to have a significant impact on Korean Air¡¯s business.

Some others, however, worry the measure could be adopted by other Japanese government agencies, private companies or the general public.

¡°Dokdo is Korea¡¯s territory historically, geographically and according to international law, and there is no problem flying one of our nation¡¯s planes over our territory,¡± said an official at the Korean Foreign Ministry.

¡°But, we take it seriously because it is the first time Japan has taken such a measure against a private company [over the Dokdo issue],¡± the official said.

Korean Air has yet to issue an official statement regarding the issue, but one official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the company decided not to issue a statement because it is worried that ¡°what we say could lead the case in an unexpected direction.¡±

Still, the official said, ¡°it is incomprehensible that another government is taking issue with our flight over our territory.¡±

By Moon Gwang-lip [[email protected]]

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