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North Korean defectors are still being denied the right to live.
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Hi, Kato Hiroshi here with a quick NK refugee update.
Ä«Åä È÷·Î½Ã°¡ Å»ºÏÀڵ鿡 °üÇÑ ±Þº¸¸¦ ÀüÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

We were shocked to learn a few months ago that Choi Yong
(male), a Japan-born North Korean, was executed after being
repatriated. He was one of the two Japan-born North Koreans
whom Takayuki Noguchi (of our organization) tried to help
escape from China in December last year.

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And now another shock. We just learned that North Korean
refugee Park Yong-chol was secretly repatriated from the
Chinese prison to North Korea in October this year. He had
been arrested in the Yantai Boatpeople incident in January
2003 and sentenced to 2 years in prison.

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This information comes via the wife of Choi Yong-hun, who
visited her imprisoned husband with a support group on Dec.
12. Park Yong-chol, had been arrested along with Choi Yong-
hun (a South Korean humanitarian aid worker), and they have
been detained at the same Wei Fang prison, Shan Dong
Province, China.

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Park Yong-chol was convinced that he would face execution if
sent back to North Korea. This is why Choi Yong-hun had
repeatedly asked our organization, LFNKR, through his wife,
to be work hard to block Park's repatriation. We in LFNKR
have continued our appeal activities to prevent his
repatriation and also to effect an early release for Choi
Yong-hun, who is currently serving a 5-year sentence.

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This case has attracted the attention and support of people
in international NGOs, governmental organizations in the EU,
the United States, South Korea, and Japan, as well as
several other countries. Despite all these efforts, China
repatriated Park Yong-chol anyway, which bitterly shocked
and disappointed us.

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We can only imagine how traumatic this must be for Choi
Yong-hun. He was even more discouraged recently to learn
that none of the 600 letters he has written to family and
friends ever even left the prison.

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International society needs to intensify its efforts urging
the Chinese government to change its recent policy, a policy
that is obviously several steps backward from the urgent
demands to improve protection and aid for North Korean
refugees. At the same time, the South Korean government is
also strongly requested to take an active role in helping

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International society must speak louder and more forcefully
until the Chinese government hears. We urge everyone,
please join the International Campaign to Block the
Repatriation of the North Korean Refugees. Whether you are
an individual or an organization, if you wish to be a part
of the scheduled protest rally, go to the Chinese embassy or
consulate in your city at 11:00 AM on Dec. 22.

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