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International Bankers Seek World Domination     During the first half of the 19th Century the international bankers revealed ambitions to be rulers of the world — dictators of a One World Government which is now referred to as "the New World Order".     Federal Europe is meant to be the decisive step towards this. And so, when one reads the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht Treaty) carefully, one finds that among many articles that are vague or have more than one meaning there are a few that are clear and precise. These provide for the Executive Council of the European Central Bank to have the sole right to issue currency and to authorise expenditure in a Europe of the Regions, in which there will no longer be national governments. That is why the British Government is now rushing ahead with the 'privatization' of all functions of government, ready to hand over our remaining assets to the six bankers/financiers on that Executive Council. By 1st January 1999 it will have become unlawful for the European Commission, the European Parliament or any other body to try to influence members of the Executive Council, while they will have security of tenure for at least eight years. They will also be given authority to formulate Community laws — that is, if the parliaments and people of Europe are foolish enough to ratify the Treaty.     The international bankers had originally thought that they could gain control by financial means — i.e. by getting all the countries of the world into debt to them; introducing speculation, so as to gather into their own hands all the major industries of the world; and by control of currency and, when it suits their purpose, withdrawing much of it from circulation, as happened in 1929 and as is happening again now. By the middle of the 19th Century they realised that additional methods were required.     Prominent among these methods is the control of fuels and strategic minerals. One such mineral was gold, used by the bankers in their financial manoeuvres. By the late 19th Century it had become apparent that South Africa was the main source of gold, and so the bankers decided to seize control of the goldfields. Their attempt was thwarted by Cecil Rhodes. They subsequently prevailed upon the then British Prime Minister, Joseph Chamberlain, to replace Rhodes by a bankers' agent, Milner, who launched the Boer war.     By 1940 it had also been found that Rhodesia (named after Rhodes) and South Africa were almost the only sources of chromium and a number of other essential minerals, and so the bankers' agents who were to infiltrate Parliament were ordered to take action to destroy Rhodesia and South Africa. The destruction of Rhodesia was to be their single most important objective. (Vicious attacks on those who thwart them is a characteristic of these international bankers.) Over a decade later "apartheid" was decided on as the excuse for attacking South Africa. They never did have an excuse for attacking Rhodesia.     The main sources of energy are coal, oil and electricity — coal and nuclear power being the main fuels used to generate electricity. The Rothschilds were very quick to realise the potential importance of electricity. Faraday conducted the original experiments in the 1820s. By the early 1830s the Rothschilds had acquired a world monopoly of mercury production — Faraday had used mercury switches — and its price escalated. They could not acquire a monopoly over coal, so the technique employed to limit its use is "environmental", in order to make it prohibitively expensive. Already the cost of implementing European Community "environmental" laws is well over £600,000,000 per power station. (Current British "environmental" legislation would seem to be designed to wreck the remains of our industry, and also agriculture.) Nuclear Power   After Cockroft and Walton's experiments on nuclear fission in 1932 the Rothschilds were just as quick to realise the potential of nuclear power. Within 20 years they had acquired the mines or mineral rights for about 80 per cent of the then known uranium deposits. By 1970 it was apparent that the world energy situation is such that by the middle of the next century fast reactors will be essential for electricity production. To start up a fast reactor between five and eight tons of plutomum are needed. Reprocessing is therefore equally essential. It was also apparent that the British-designed Dounreay fast reactors were by far the most successful, it being estimated that British nuclear development was about six to eight years ahead of the rest of the world. France lagged behind — their reactors are copies of an American-designed Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR). At their best, PWRs have never been as good as the British gas-cooled reactors and the Canadian 'Candu' reactor. It seemed that a PWR was only decided on for Sizewell so that British nuclear engineers could find ways of getting round some of the more obvious faults of the French reactors.     Pressure groups were set up to attack the industry in each country that had developed nuclear energy, except for France. The most effective of these pressure groups has been the National Radiological Protection Board — ostensibly the official advisor to the British Government. They have based their recommendations on deliberately falsified and faked 'evidence', pretending that low doses of radiation cause cancer, whereas in fact they help to prevent it. Their false statements have been widely publicised, and legislation is based upon them. By the time of the Hinkley Point nuclear Inquiry in 1989 it was estimated that the British nuclear industry had spent over £4,500,000,000 on precautions against non-existent dangers.     Despite repeated attacks upon it by the pressure groups, Sellafield remains the last rival to France in reprocessing; but from 1970 government ministers and officials have sought to hamper our fast reactor
development. In 1979 a meeting of the relevant Cabinet committee, under Mrs. Thatcher, decided to strengthen our nuclear industry. At a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group a few months later it
was decided that the reverse should happen. Successive Secretaries of State for Energy have since implemented the Bilderberg decision.     The Bilderberg Group is a high-powered pressure group set up by the Rothschilds and other international bankers to help achieve their objectives. Thus, at its 1955 meeting it had been decided that they should influence the development of nuclear energy "for the benefit of members". (After Mrs Thatcher had refused to agree to European monetary union British Conservatives at the May 1989 Bilderberg meeting were ordered to get rid other and replace her by someone who would agree to it.)     The French attempted to build a fast reactor based on the Dounreay design, but it has been a failure, and so Dounreay engineers were instructed to hand over their knowhow, and even do development work for the next fast reactor to be built in France. This work is nearing completion, and our fast reactor programme is due to be abandoned, so giving French industry under Rothschild control, a world monopoly. Three firms have offered to pay to keep Dounreay and its fast reactor programme going, but Mr. Heseltine, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, has refused to allow a rescue operation. Oil   This brings us to oil. The oil industry was started by Rockefeller in America in 1848. By the 1870s the French Edmond de Rothschild had arranged a meeting with Rockefeller to divide the world's oil between
them. He then set about devising means to acquire the Middle East oil. The idea of a 'Jewish' national state was revived, and a start made by him arranging for groups of Jews to go as settlers in Palestine. (Orthodox
Jewish teaching is that the Messiah will lead Jews back to the "Promised Land" — not that they would seize it in advance.) In the 1890s Zionism was launched, preparatory to the creation of the state misnamed "Israel". All the funds for the settlements and other developments came from the Rothschilds, but actually setting up the new state in 1948 required considerably more. Those funds came from reparations paid by Germany for the imaginary 'Holocaust', the number of "six million" having apparently been chosen to produce the required funds, even though the total number of Jews in Europe was only about half that — and most of those claimed individual compensation after the war.     By the time Israel was set up the Iran and Iraq oilfields had been developed by the British and were to be handed over to the nationals of those two countries. The remaining Middle East oilfields had been developed by oil companies in less coherent and well established countries, and they have retained control. Kuwait had already been hived off from Iraq, in order that those companies could acquire a good port. It is not so much an independent state as an oil company colony. At the start of the Gulf War there were only about 100,000 people who had actually been born there. All the rest — about 2 million— were oil company employees or employed on its infrastructure. There was no fixed border between Iraq and Kuwait.     In 1958 King Faisal II and other members of the lraq Royal Family were murdered, together with the Prime Minister. Since then the country has been under a series of Presidents, none of whom handed over the oil. In 1972 the then President, Field Marshal Ahmad Hasan al Bakr, nationalized the oil industry. In 1975 U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (a leading Bilderberger) produced a plan for dealing with the Middle East in general, and Iraq in particular. As well as establishing a strong and permanent military presence, it included the intention that opposition would be dealt with by "exterminating or expelling" the indigenous population. This was revealed in late 1990 by the former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins, who had seen Kissinger's
blueprint at the time. (Viewpoint Paper "New World Order?", December 1990.) Saddam Hussein did not become President until 1979.     During 1989 preparations were made by President Bush and his associates for a "United Nations" invasion of Iraq, and when these were completed Saddam Hussein was conned into entering Kuwait (by means of the U.S. government giving clear diplomatic signals to Iraq that it would not react belligerently to an Iraqi entry into Kuwait). Saddam Hussein has been portrayed by Bush and the media as some kind of ogre, but this is hardly borne out by the facts. In the Gulf War the Iraq forces made no attempt to kill or injure American or British soldiers. Instead they attacked the properties of the oil companies whose greed, they thought, had led to the war.     By contrast, the Americans killed and injured as many people as they could. Food, water, electricity and medical supplies, together with the civilian population — and even some Christian Churches—were treated as "military targets". Hussein's birthplace, Tiskit, that by no stretch of the imagination could be considered a military target, was totally destroyed, with half its population killed and most of the rest injured. When the ground advance took place the Iraqi supply lines had been targeted with the equivalent of 370,000 Scud missiles, so that they were without food, water or military supplies. As the Americans advanced they killed everyone they came across. It has been reported that 150,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed in a convoy carrying white flags,
while more than 12,000 were buried alive. (British forces on the American's flank took all those they met prisoner, and gave them food and water.)

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