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12-year-long Research Results:

Final Analysis Report on the May 18th  Kwangju Riot


Author:  Dr. Jee, Man-won, System Engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School

    Cover Story


1)      The May 18th Kwangju Riot was a powerful isolated operation to cause internal conflict, conducted by the 600 North Korean commandos who plotted to connect it to an all-out invasion of the South using a socially disgruntled group, with the government as the Tiger moth.


2)      There were neither demonstrations formed with independent Kwangju citizens, nor one single democratic movement.  Moreover, there was not one single South Korean national who commanded the riot which caused the slaughter and destruction with arson in the mayhem involving the 200,000 to 300,000 rioters.


3)      The 4,634 Tiger moths overwhelmed by the North Korean infiltrated and nameless mob, are treated by the South Korean government as being men of the highest distinction of national merit and honor.  However, all of us know that these traitors have written books, made visual images and built schools at the expense of the government, and continue to sow the seeds of hatred against our government by encouraging our innocent youth to do so.  This country has written its history with materials North Korea provided with tricks, which means that our country and fellow countrymen are being fraudulently manipulated by the communists both in the North and in the South.



Former North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung decided that October 26, 1979 (the date former President Park Jung-hee  assassinated) was a golden opportunity to unify the Korean Peninsula.  He stealthily deployed killer-trained commandos one after the other into the Kwangju area, to participate in the Kwangju Riot from October 26, 1979.

The May 18th Riot was a secret invasion wildly conducted by a mob that consisted of 600 North Korean special troops.  However, people in Kwangju city called the mob of 600 insurgents  -   students, who came from Yonsei University, and Korea University in Seoul.  As soon as martial law was declared in Kwangju City and surrounding vicinity, protesters and demonstrating university students were either arrested or hid out during this turbulent period of time.  An unknowing group of angry, social misfit rioters from 59 different precarious occupations including teenagers, waste pickers, bums, etc., played their part as tiger moths that were overwhelmed in the rioting conducted by the 600 North Korean infiltrators. This is the true story of the May 18th Kwangju Riot. 

There were merely12 clueless tiger moths that practically invited martial law troops, who were sentenced to death or life imprisonment for declaring their so-called ¡°desperate resistance¡±  on the very day of May 26, 1980.

In 1981, the Supreme Court failed to hold the mob as accountable for committing the destruction perpetrated by the 600 disguised commandos from May 18th to 21st , 1980.  The mob completely disappeared as of  May 26th 1980.  Then in 1997, the Supreme Court labeled the 600 commandos and the blind followers as from a semi-constitutional organization assembled to maintain and protect the status quo, and held former President Chun Doo-hwan who had pacified the rioters in the early stages to be guilty of treason.  The judges acted as if they were North Korean judges.



On September 1, 2014, I was overwhelmed by an extreme sense of pride and excitement because I had finally put an end to my 12-year-long research on the history surrounding May 18th Kwangju Riot of 1980.  If the previous research can be considered fundamental, the one I have just completed fully deserves to overturn the two judgments handed down by the court in 1981 and 1997.

Although the previous research concluded that the Kwangju rioters worked together with independent North Korean commandos in Kwangju City, this final report definitely confirms that no single rioting group made up of Kwangju citizens for any particular purpose whatsoever existed during this chaotic period.  For this obvious reason, I have finally reached at a conclusion that  only the 600 disguised North Korean special forces plus the hapless group of imprudent teenagers, waste pickers, iron workers etc., became the nameless mob which  blindly followed and set off the nationwide demonstration.

Accordingly, we can convict those who had cheated and deceived people by saying that they were the very demonstrators demanding democracy in Kwangju City, who had received tremendous amount of undeserved compensation from the government.  In addition, we should not fail to punish those who had intentionally helped North Korea to plot this history to be recorded as the true history of the Republic of Korea.  Cases of traitors who shall be held accountable for their cheating and disguising are categorized as follows:

1)   Hypocritical writers, such as Mr. Hwang, Suk-young.

2)  Figures like wolves in sheep¡¯s clothing who have persistently claimed that the May 18th Riot was a democratic movement against communism.

3)  Those who have continued to say:  ¡°No single North Korean act of espionage could infiltrate South Korea in 1980, as the front line and all coastal lines were closely guarded.  I declare this on my life¡±.

4)  Two-faced individuals who justified the May 18th Kwangju Riot by using groundless rumors to substantiate illogical arguments, which appeared on TV and in the media.

First of all, Kwangju citizens neither formed nor backed demonstrators for any purpose whatsoever in Kwangju City during this turmoil period.  This being so, the so-called Kwangju movement for democracy was 100% pure deception and fraudulence.  I have proven this fact with written materials provided by the May 18th Commemoration Service Association.


Secondly, these 600 pseudo so-called students from Yonsei and Korea Universities obviously existed during that time in Kwangju City.  The mob used extraordinary guile and speed to defy military logic, which prompted internal conflict that put the riot soldiers at odds with the Kwangju citizens thereby causing both sides to treat each other as mortal enemies.  As a result, the mob disguising themselves as students, heightened the situation to a point where it was enough for the rioters to cause the utter annihilation of the martial law troops and devastation of Kwangju City.  I have proven the fact that the rioters were the North Korean commandos, utilizing all material kept by the Prosecution, National Intelligence Service and North Korea related documents.

Thirdly, the rioters who stood at Kwangju City were neither Kwangju students, civilian activists nor learned figures.  They were simply people disgruntled with the government from 59 different walks of life, i.e. waste pickers, shoe shiners, waiters, factory and iron workers, masons, etc.  These were the groups who had, grudgingly, wished to disrupt society.  These disgruntled people, being seduced by a brilliant stroke of guile and deception of the 600 unidentified rioters, blindly followed and were consumed by the mob.  I have proven this fact in my books entitled:  ¡°December 12th viewed through investigative record¡± and ¡°May 18¡±.

It might be difficult to comprehend the conclusion which explains that there were two different riot groups, and only one demonstration group.  However, there is a world of difference between the two facts:  As long as the conclusion that there was a riot group formed by Kwangju citizens remains effective, defenders of the May 18th Riot will without hesitation believe that the Kwangju rioters were the very demonstrators who demanded democracy.  However, if the conclusion expressing that there was no group of demonstrators formed with Kwangju citizens is enforced, the May 18th  Kwangju Riot related organizations will be immediately defined as having deceived innocent people throughout the country for a long time.  My second conclusion will play an important role in checking this deceptive insistence, so that the Kwangju May 18th organization can no longer claim that it was a ¡°Kwangju Democratic Movement¡±.

I am encouraged to say that this is not a minor recognition, but one of significant importance.  Needless to emphasize, I have discovered irrefutable historical facts disclosed as follows:

1)  The 600 North Korean commandos made up the majority portion of the Kwangju May 18th Riot.

2)  North Korea failed to secure a bridgehead for an effective unification by sending its 600 commandos all the way to Kwangju, which was an obvious violation of the Armistice Agreement.

3)  There was no demonstration group formed with Kwangju City¡¯s own citizens.

To be perfectly honest I take great pride in having achieved the aforementioned conclusions, and feel that they deserve resounding applause from the entire nation. 


The fact that for over the last 35 years, responsible intelligence agencies under previous administrations paid little attention to the matter and failed to uncover what I have shown to be obvious is reprehensible. None of history scholars were willing participants in research. And the fact uncovered evidence of people were being beaten and taken to the Kwangju Prosecution's Office even when the May 18 Kwangju Riot was barely mentioned in previous acts of tyranny. It stands out as a jewel which has finally been unearthed from the dark frozen soil.  This finding is therefore remarkable, all the more so because I have successfully shed light on the truth against all odds.

The reason why this truth stands out as so extremely important is because the May 18th fact is not only at the core of modern history, it is also how ideological groups sponging off South Korea have been able to play such a major role in carrying out a proxy war on North Korea¡¯s behalf as being an impenetrable fortress barrier. And because the traitorous roots of the May 18th Riot group have sabotaged and impeded national development, is exactly why this despicable clique has been able to provide such force to every treasonable act.  Hence, it is now high time that all of us strive to eradicate this disgraceful fortress by leaving no single trace.


Every year in May on the occasion of the May 18th Riot, North Korea has held massive commemorative ceremonies with high ranking officials from both the Workers Party and the cabinet in attendance, praising it as their best performance yet since the espionage operation was conducted in the South.  The North Korean regime attributes the name of May 18th to their best achievements as a symbol of honor.  For example, the name ¡°May 18 Youth¡± was stamped out on a heavy-duty press machine (10,000 ton capacity) installed at Yongsung Enterprise.  In addition, there are more cases showing off ¡°May 18¡± names, such as:

1)   May 18 Film Research Institute

2)   May 18 Accident-Free Towing Movement

3)   May 18 Silk Cocoon Working Group

4)   Honorable May 18 Youth Work Place

5)   May 18 Tank

Between 1989 and 1991, former North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung instructed two figures of South Korean origin, Mr. Hwang Suk-young (novelist), and Mr. Yoon I-sang (musician), to produce a film entitled ¡°Symphonic Poem For You¡± for the purpose of anti-America and South Korea propaganda.  These two figures were amply rewarded by the head honcho for the scenario, and for the theme tune respectively.

Surprisingly, the South Korean government has not only been indifferent to this obvious fact, but it also commemorated the May 18th Riot as an honorable event concurrently with North Korea.  Isn¡¯t it shameful for us all to know that this disgraceful history has been taught to our young students by our country for years as being honorable, and documented as the true history that secured Korea¡¯s democracy?

Our country, the Republic of Korea, has become a ridiculous nation dear countrymen.  How can we possibly be expected to suppress our emotions without an eventual violent backlash?

With honor, I hereby present my ¡°Final Analysis Report on the May 18th Kwangju Riot¡± to this country, as an esteemed entry to recorded history.  In my report there are many photos inserted of the North Korean commandos who conducted these secret operations as nameless or anonymous insurgents.

It is my keen desire therefore, that readers make the best use of this book in setting the most disgraceful part of history, right.  Furthermore, I sincerely hope that each of my fellow countrymen will be in the vanguard to set this flagrant piece of written history straight, thereby allowing the country to finally stand tall.


October 15, 2014

Jee, Man-won

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