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¿©·Ð 1¹øÁö ±èÁ¤ÀÏÀÌ ÀÏ·ç¹Ì³ªÆ¼ Ordo Templi Orientis ¸â¹öÀÎ Áõ°ÅÀÚ·á ºÎÃß¿¬















Page 2





The denominated System of initiation Rojismo was created by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.

The Rojismo term comes from the last name of Red, of the last alquímica phase of the mentioned System (Work to the


Red one) and of the egalitarian and libertario message, that is to say, ¡°red¡±, of he himself.

The Rojismo is structured in two orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) and in both Rites of


both: the Operative Operative Rite and Rite Illuminated of Baviera of the Illuminati Order of


Memphis-Misraïm of Societas OTO.



Page 3


The Rojismo gives to importance to fundamental pillars of the initiation as true desire, the will,


waking up of the conscience of ¡°the sleepy¡± man, the respect towards the cycles and the order,


the coherence; to traditional routes of initiation (yoga, tantra, cábala, symbolism, alchemy); and


to the transformation of the initiate by means of the operative work in the own divinity, in


androgynous the divine one, in the androgynous alquímico, always looking for that this one


projects in external its internal evolution.


In this System, in addition, the figure of the God of the Light is important, Baphomet. On him, a


basic idea is due to have: only with Baphomet the initiation is complete. With the esclavistas


Gods, their ¡°shackles¡±, etc., the iniciático work ¡°is castrated¡± and the complete initiation is not




It is possible to add to the saying that the Rojista Philosophy crowns the Rojismo, with his


egalitarian and libertario message, being the philosophy of the action and the postmodernity that


reformulates the socialism and turns to the Rojismo postmodern. In last instance, scientific


psychology also is the tool that allows to include/understand the gradual evolution of the Rojismo


for the initiates of high degree.


In the Rojismo, the initiate evolves from the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable to the


materialism, the absolute rejection of the God existence, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science,


the rigor¡¦


The masonry, rosacruces, the templarios¡¦ also leave from the idealismo, but, in contrast to the


Rojismo, they remain eternally in this one leading to its members to ¡°fictitious skies¡± and the


absolute irrealidad.

The Rojismo, however, respects the masónica tradition, rosacruz, templaria¡¦, since in certain it forms makes hers in


his initiation and lessons, but, on the other hand, rejects the great majority of organizativas structures of masones,


rosacruces, the templarios (orders, lodges, Obediences¡¦), to consider them esoteric and iniciático a idealismo that it


has like full stop so mentioned ¡°fictitious sky¡± and the absolute irrealidad.




In the Rojismo and its orders, we found to initiates and philosophers who deserve to be




(Philosopher and initiate)



Page 4


It founded the Illuminati de Baviera on 1776 and recovered the Initiation Fundamental, based on initiates turned Gods,


that is to say, in beings able to transform its reality and the reality that surrounded them, with freedom and equality.

To see: http://www.ordeniluminati.com/files/losilluminati.htm


(Philosopher and initiate)


He founded the Illuminati Order in 1995 and restored the Fundamental Initiation completely,


denominating it Rojismo.




He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.


He laid the the foundations of a scientific methodology of the scientific socialism or Comunism.


The scientific socialism or Comunism, as it was exposed by Marx, was based on the historical


materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the communist party on the part of the


proletariado one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of the proletariado one, the


appropriation of production means, the distribution of the wealth, the elimination of the social



Page 5


classes and the State¡¦ He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to


transform means.




He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.


He laid the the foundations of the libertario socialism or anarchism,it defended the destruction of all

authority, the State, the deprived property, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the


colectivismo (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later communist anarchism of


Kropotkin pleaded to reject the colectivismo that gave to everyone the product of its work, favoring the Comunism and


the equality of distribution. Bakunin Is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to

transform means.


(Philosopher and president of Korea of the North)


He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.


The concept of man and ideological conscience of the Rojismo has a source of inspiration in the


great philosopher Kim Jon Il, present president of Korea of the North.



Page 6





He is the psychologist and psychoanalyst whom the Rojismo assumes to include/understand the


System of initiation, from the perspective of scientific psychology.





OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) was founded in the beginnings of XX century by Austrian industrial and chemical Karl Kellner (Frater Renatus,


1850-1905), who was substituted by Theodor Reuss (Frater Peregrinus, 1855-1923) when died. Its Constitution was in 1906. OTO had born of


English John Yarker Masonic Rites of Memphis-Misraïm.


In 1902, Theodor Reuss established the Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Misraïm in Germany. In 1913, when Yarker died, Reuss became


International Head of the Rite.


OTO¡¯s Official history also explains that its founders received its tantric doctrine by three Oriental initiated: Arabian fakir Soliman ben Haifa


and Hindus yogis Bhima Sen Pratap y Sri Mahatma Aganya Guru Paramahamsa. It seems logical that Oriflamme magazine, the German Templar


organ, announced that ¡°OTO has the Key that open all of secrets, Masonic and hermetic, sexual magic instruction, and this instruction makes


comprehensible the whole of nature secrets, Freemasonry symbolism, and all religious systems¡±.



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