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(Pastor Kim Jinchul's letter to President Bush)

Dear Namgulsa Members:
The Hwasung site was being filled up as if my heart was being filled up with dust and
But I was informed of several good news by Mr. Freedom, that I can't disclose in
detail. He asked me not to send our letters to CNN or other places. He said it is not
right time to do it and I agreed with him, after I heard his opinion.
In short, the Bush's administration would not ignore the Hwasung site even though it is
filled up and their own intelligence agents reported their own opinion. Sooner or later,
Koreans will forget the meaning of the Hwasung site, but Americans would not forget
the Hwasung site. It would be important to maintain this web site.
The bottom line is they have been preparing for their (NK's) surprise attack through
the underground tunnel. Thus, if America decides to attack NK, they will withdraw the
soldiers to the safe place.
Dear Members, the truth would never be filled up by the untruth. The Roh's regime
successfully covered up the Hwasung site by the earth, but our desire for the real
freedom will spring up from somewhere and some time. Do not be discouraged. Here
is the letter of Pastor Kim Jin chul sent to President Bush, which I translated and
enclosed. I hope the web manager will copy his letter and paste it in the English
Section later.

Pastor Kim Jin-chul
Maesong Young Rak Presbyterian Church
109-2 ChunChunli
MaeSongMyun, HwaseongSi
KyungKiDo 445-830, S. Korea
July 23, 2003
President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
Before I decided to write this letter to you, I had prayed without food for three days.
One email letter from America convinced me to tell you the message that I have tried
to tell many political and military leaders in South Korea, but in vain.
The message is, at the city of Hwaseong, 20 kilometers from S. Korea¡¯s capital, Seoul,
there must be the underground tunnels built by North Korea, which were designed for a
surprise attack on the US Air Force Bases at Suwon, Osan and Songtan as well as
Korean troops stationed around those places.
I am a pastor of Presbyterian Church located at Hwaseong City and currently a field
header of Invasion Tunnel Hunters Group (ITHG). I was an ordinary resident, not a
member of ITHG. The following incidents convinced me the existence of the North
Korean Infiltration Underground Tunnel.
(1) The Incident on Subterranean Water of a Deacon¡¯s House (December 18, 2002)
We had a lot of rain last year and we did not have any problem of using the water
coming from the underground. All of a sudden, he had water with yellow soils and a
little later found his well completely drained. He asked for help from me, so I went his
house. After checking the underground water system, including the motor, I could not
find any apparent reason. I immediately reported to the ITHG and they investigated
several times and made a conclusion that the underground tunnel was built around his
(2) The Incident on Peculiar Noise of Machine Operation Under the Ground of Church
(April 7, 2003)
Around 5:00 AM, my church members and I heard the roaring sound of the boring
machine from the underground of our church at the early morning prayer meeting.
After exploring using a technique called dowsing, which is an ancient method of
locating hidden objects by sensing their energy through the metal rods to help to focus
the energy, the ITHG made a tentative conclusion that the tunnel was built through the
underground of the church.
When I realized that the underground tunnels were built in this area, I could not live as
an ordinary resident and pastor of the church. Our church began to serve breakfast
and lunch for the members of ITHG who worked to detect the entrance of the
infiltration tunnel at the current site of Hwaseong City under the supervision of Mr.
Choi, Min-young. The ITHG scooped out a 20-yard-deep hole the size of a small
house, 200 yards from a S. Korean army base. Not supported by the Korean
government and short of cash, they couldn¡¯t rent a drill rig and thus were unable to
break into a cavity they were seeking.
Mr. Choi was collapsed at the end of February due to the unknown reason, but had a
similar symptom as Mr. Jung Ji-yong, the deceased one of the core members of ITHG,
has reportedly been believed to be a victim of the secret poison needle.
I had no choice but to assume the responsibility for working as a field header, since
there was no volunteer working at the site. From March 1 to June 20, ¡¯03, I had
worked at the Hwaseong tunnel site. I overworked myself and got myself hurt, so I
am taking a rest at home to be treated at the local hospital.
There are several evidences dug out of the Hwaseong tunnel site, which indicate the
existence of the infiltration tunnel around the site. Please visit the website
http://ddanggul.com and click the button of ¡°ENGLISH.¡± Then, please listen to the
tape recording made using a microphone dropped through a tiny hole into the cavity.
You can hear rhythmic tapping sounds, like hammer on rock, are followed by what
sound like muffled human voices and someone saying ¡°yes, yes¡± in Korean, then the
sound of sneezing, four times. You also can hear the sound for coming and going of
underground trains and others such as drilling rock. They were recorded around
16-18m deep in the earth near the infiltration tunnel. Please watch BBC¡¯s of England
and Japanese Asahi¡¯s broadcasting news on this site and ITHG.You may also see
other evidences proofs found as a result of the ITHG search for the tunnel, such as
(1) the Vietnamese hoe
(2) the yellow raincoat, of which the fabric has been made in N. Korea
(3) the wire rope, which has never been made in S. Korea
(4) the stones of the concrete dug out of the rock
(5) the clear-cut rock, which is artificially cut by the machine
(6) the batteries made in N. Korea
For your information, I am attaching the list of evidences as shown in the website.
Dear President Bush, the Hwaseong tunnel site might be critical to the security of thirty
eight thousand American US soldiers and their families in Korea as well as the national
security of S. Korea. As far as I know of, there must be the infiltration tunnel here,
but the government including the department of defense has covered up the truth, partly
because they do not want to provoke Kim Jeong Il¡¯s regime due to the sunshine policy
and they are many secret agents working at every place of the government. The ITHG
has never been supported by the government, supported by the contributions and
donations of Korean people and now is out of fund.
As a pastor following the truth, I am ready to sacrifice myself and ready to give my
own life to detect the tunnel at this site for my own country, Korea and our blood
alliance, America. Now, the Roh¡¯s regime is going to fill up the current site by
August 12, 2003. I am praying and continue to pray that you will help us in detecting
the tunnel at the Hwaseong site before it is too late. My little dream is we can sing
and listen to Christmas carol on the Christmas day.
Respectfully yours,

kim Jin - chul, Pastor

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