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The Unification of Korea, is it Possible?
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Let me begin my speech today. The Unification of Korea, is it Possible? Have you heard the official statements made by the North Korean government threatening South Korea? Chilling. You feel like they could attack us at any time.

Do you know how many times they have attacked us since the Korean War? Hundreds of times. They stabbed and killed two American soldiers in the Demilitarized Zone in 1976 which almost broke into war. They shot down a Korean Airlines plane killing 115 passengers in 1987, In 1968, they sent 30 snipers to kill the South Korean President, Park Chung Hee, in vain. We don't know when they might attack us again. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month, we don't know when.

It is believed that there are more than 20 thousand North Korean spies in South Korea, that's a lot!

Why are they harassing us? I think there are two reasons.

Number one, to ease the passing of the regime to Kim Chung- Il's third son, Kim Jung Oon, who is only 26. Kim Chung-Il needs to create an atmosphere of war in order to ease the transition of power. He is critically ill with cancer and heart disease. Doctors say he may not live long.

The second reason is, a sense of Jealousy towards South Korea. They want to jeopardize the South Korean economy which is more than 40 times stronger than their own economy. Even though they were better off than us in 1960 (their GDP per capita was 138 US dollars while ours was 110 US dollars).

Do you know how much their GDP is now? 250 US dollars. Ours is 20,000 US dollars. We are 80 times better off. This is the reason why they developed atomic bombs and ballastic missiles; in order to compensate for their economic inferiority.
I think there is another reason. Kim Jung-Il believes nuclear weapons are his best protection from internal and external threats against the succession of his family's dynasty. Well, where did they get the funding to make the arsenal? From the tax payers of course! which was collected. Believe it or not, from our two former presidents Kim, Dae Jung and Ro, Moo Hyun. Even though the former President Kim Dae Jung was confronted with the possibility that the money being sent to North Korea could be used for the development of an atomic bomb and ballastic missiles, he retortedwith complete denial that that would ever happen.

Ro Moo Hyun predecessor of Kim Dae Jung committed suicide one an a half months ago to avoid the shame of going to jail after being indicted for taking an illegal bribe worth 60 million US dollars from one of his friends.

These former presidents, have given North Korea, how much? Shocking 7 billion US dollars which presumably has been used to procure the atomic bombs and ICBMs. Let's take one example among many, of how much rice was given to the North Korean regime by our two former presidents. You will be shocked! I was shocked. They gave the North 1.5 million tons of rice. This is equivalent to approximately US $700 million while hundreds of thousands of South Korean people were starving. If you provide money or food to the enemy you are sentenced to death according to the law, however, these 2 former presidents have never been indicted because it seems they had more power than the system itself.
In any case, that's enough laying blame on our former presidents. What is the life of North Koreans like? Terrible. Miserable. How so? All its citizen are rationed as little as one US dollar a month. Communist leaders among them are given plenty more! Can you imagine being rationed one dollar's worth of food per month? They have to survive with that! If you criticise the regime regarding this they will stop your rations altogether, right away, which could mean death. This is the way the North Korean regime can gear all of its government money and foreign aid into developing missiles and atomic bombs.

According to Amnesty International, there are between 20 and 30y labor camps and political prison camps in North Korea. Most inmates there are not provided with rations. They can't afford to because most of the national budget is used for funding arsenals. So prisoners have to seek out food in the wild. They may eat snakes, tree roots and leaves, sometimes human meat from dead bodies. Many of them are starved and tortured to death.

What about life outside the camps? You are not allowed to own any property. Even agricultural produce belongs to the regime. You cannot travel without permission. Most of the school hours are devoted to teaching loyalty to Kim Jung Il. Everybody has to wear Kim Jung Ill or Kim Ill Sung badges. If you don't keep the badge well-polished or drop it, you are severely punished. If you were to accidentally drop it, you would be sentenced to death.

Every household has to hang Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung-Il pictures on their walls. In case of flood rescue the photos first, then your children, otherwise you could face severe penalties.

Let me tell you a story, about what happened a couple of years ago. North Korean athletes and cheerleaders were invited for a friendship match in Kwangjoo, Chulanamdo province. On the way to the hotel after the match they saw Kim Chung Ill's portrait being wed by rain the street. About twenty of them cried like crazy and ran to the placard and retrieved it screaming , who would do such a savage thing?! and took it to the hotel. What a devotion to the dear comrad!

More interesting facts about North Korea: Do you know how long their military service is? Ten to thirteen years depending on who you are. During military duty you are not allowed to visit your family. That's a fact. There are many high-rise apartment buildings in Pyung Yang, the capital city. However most of them are not equipped with elevators. Even if the building is equipped with an elevator they are not used because of the scarcity of electricity. So, old people have to walk up and down the stairs or stay home all day long. Imagine what would happen if they were sick?

Have you looked at a google map of the Korean peninsula taken at night? South Korea is full of lights but North Korea is completely dark except for some blinking lights in Pyung Yang. This shows how scarce electricity is in North Korea. North Korea is just like a prison cell.

There is no freedom of expression, there are no human rights, there is no personal property allowed. There is no freedom to choose your partner for marriage. In many cases your partner is chosen by the Communist Party. You have to get out of there if you want freedom.

More than three 300,000 thousand North Koreans have run away from the north in the last 40 years according to the Association of Refugees from North Korea. About two thirds of them have been caught and turned back to North Korea. Turned back to North Korea means certain death.

There are about one hundred seventy thousand North Korean refugees who have set foot in South Korea since the Korean War. They were given 37 million won or 32 thousand US dollars each. That equals up to as much as about 80 year's salary in North Korea. Lot of money!

I met several of them and asked what they found most surprising here. They were shocked that there are more people here who like Kim, Jung-Il than in North Korea. They were shocked to see everybody has cell phones and every household has more than one car. They said they were surprised to see that all the mountains here are green with trees.

Mountains there are red because trees are chopped up for fuel and to create space for growing crops. Only people in big cities are provided with coal for heating. The rest of the people are not provided with fuel. They have to provide it for themselves if there are is any. They have to chop up trees assuming there are some left, picking up grass, rice, everything for fuel.

The more they fire missiles and test atomic bombs the worse the situation regarding starvation becomes. Well, poor North Korea is operated by one person Kim Jung-Il. He owns everything, money, girls, missiles, atomic bombs, everything.

There is no freedom. There is no freedom of information. There is no free enterprise. People are trapped. They are slaves. Kim Jung-Il's father Kim Il Sung ruled the country for 28 years, His son Kim Jong-Il has ruled the country for 27 years, totalling 55 years ruled by one family. And now Kim Jung-Il's third son Kim Chunmg Oon is going to be handed the tyrany, a world record breaking ruling by father, son and grandson, all the way through.

Everybody wants the unification of Korea. I want it. You want it. Every body wants it. But unified according to what ideology? Communism? Capitalism? That's the problem. Would North Korea give up communism in order to unify the country? No. Are we going to give up capitalism for unification. No. Absolutely not. Then shall be compromise in ideology and unify then? No. A middle-grand ideology cannot allow us to coexist.
Now it's your turn to decide. You have to choose one of two, Would you choose communism or democracy? Answer is yours.

Thank you very much.

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