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Presidential New Year Message
Our Mission to Keep National Existence

President Park Chung-hee said yesterday that the people were entrusted with the mission of the age to maintain and develop unyieldingly the national existence and independence in the midst of eversharpening international competition, no matter what difficulties or trials they may face in days ahead.

"What we should not forget even for a moment at this juncture is the strong possibility that the north Korean war criminals, who have driven our compatriots in the north into hunger ascribable to war preparations beyond their power and economic bankruptcy, may take desperate risks in their shock and fretfulness over the rapid growth of our national strength," said the President.

He said, "In these crucial situations at home and abroad, we must face the first year of the Fourth Five-Year Economic Development Plan."

In his New Year message issued on the eve of New Year's Day, the Chief Executive noted that the main purpose of economic growth is to consolidate national strength, protect national security and build a new era of prosperity and revival, based on national pride and social justice.

"We cannot afford to slow down or stop our grand march toward the goal of effective national building," said Park.

He said, "We are full of hope and determination to achieve the $10 billion export target four years ahead of schedule by further expanding heavy and chemical industries and pursuing modernization programs for farming villages in the coming year."

The President then stressed the necessity of making a success of the first year of the Fourth Five-Year Plan which he said would be a milestone in the annals of the nation's modernization, and bring about consolidation of national independence and self-reliance as early as possible.

"In the coming year, the firm foundation for a self-reliant defence capability will be further strengthened," he continued.

"For this purpose, we should make further efforts to make our armed forces efficient, to speed up the modernization of their equipment, spur development of defense industries, and solidity the total national security posture throughout the front-line and rear areas.

President Park said, "Needless to say, the establishment of our self-reliant defense posture is a prerequisite to securing the right to our survival and independence."

Pointing out that the north Korean Communists, still preoccupied with the daydream of communizing the south by force, committed the unforgivable atrocity of murder, fomenting extremely explosive tensions, Park said;

"We are obliged to work patiently toward normalizing the deadlocked south-north dialogue in an effort to advance the date of the peaceful unification of the fatherland, an aspiration of all 50 million of our compatriots, on the basis of mighty national strength."

He added, "We will continue to call upon the north Korean communists to show a sincere attitude toward fixing peace on the Korean peninsula by coming to the conference table at an early date according to the basic spirit of the July 4 south-north joint communique issued in 1972."

President Park expressed a plan to receive warmly the home-visiting Chochongnyon-affiliated Korean nationals in Japan in a show of genuine brotherly love on a constant basis.

"Furthermore, we will open our doors on a reciprocal basis to those countries which have ideologies and system different from ours, and make endeavors to frustrate stereotyped tricks and false propaganda by the north Korean Communists, thus making our intention for peace and development known to the world." he said.

The President urged citizens to absorb further the Saemaul(new community) and Yushin (Revitalizing Reforms) into their daily lives, wipe out Waste and irregularities from society, promote an atmosphere of frugal living and strengthen social discipline.

"A sound national spirit and steadfast social discipline are the driving force in the achievement of a self-sufficient economy and self-reliant defense capability at an early date." said the President.

"Only a hard working nation can prosper, and only an nation moving with strong will, courage and conviction can surmount national trials and write a new chapter in history." he continued. It is we ourselves who are responsible for our own security and prosperity

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